Can Load balancing help against DDoS attacks?

The Load balancing is a critical component for preventing DDoS attacks. Why? We will take a detailed look at that a bit later in this article. Let’s start.

What does Load balancing mean?

Load balancing in DNS is a way of dispersing client requests among server machines using domain configuration. The domain can be linked to a website, email system, or any other Internet-based service.

If you operate a large and popular website, you may expect a lot of requests for it. It must also be speedy, give up-to-date information, and accurately and rapidly handle the requests it receives. This is where the concept of traffic balancing comes into play.

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The largest DDoS attacks in history.

The Internet is a land with plenty of opportunities, where the most innovative seeds (businesses) can grow really big! But, unfortunately, the coin has two sides. And this is also a land with many risks, where survival is not easy. There are already many predators to be aware of, like the bloody DDoS attacks. 

Let’s have a look at the largest DDoS attacks in history.

2012. Targets: JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, U.S. Bank, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, PNC Bank. 

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Why is a Botnet attack so dangerous?

Botnets have become ingloriously famous in the last years. 

A bot is a short way to refer robot. It’s a type of software or script for executing commanded actions. Criminals infect all kinds of devices with it to control them. Botnets incorporate large numbers of bots, also called zombies, for scaring the planet with their attacks.

Botnet attacks can be really dangerous. It’s up to the evil minds behind every attack. Just try to imagine there are massive “armies” integrated by thousands, even millions of zombies computers globally spread that will obey someone blindly. It sounds bloody scary, doesn’t it?

Which devices can become targets of a Botnet?

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DDoS attack – explained in detail

DDoS attack explained

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are cyber attacks that take advantage of the precise capacity limits that refer to any network resources. So, it disrupts fundamental targets such as a network, system, or server. The DDoS attack sends a lot of requests to the targeted web resource. The intention is to exceed the capacity of the website to handle an increased number of requests. So, finally, to not allow the website to function accurately.

The DDoS attacks have some typical targets, which are the following:

  • Sites for online shopping
  • All kinds of businesses or organizations providing online services

What are the first warning signs of a DDoS attack?

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